A downloadable game for Windows




Move/Rotate Camera: Hold RIGHT-CLICK and move mouse. 

Move Tetris Piece: W/A/S/D keys. 

Rotate Tetris Piece: Q/E/1/3 keys. 

Speed up falling piece: Hold SPACE.

A small 3D tetris game, with functionality to customize the falling shapes and grid size via XML file.

The XML File breaks down into:

-Game Settings-

Initial Fall Speed: The initial speed of pieces falling

Fall Speed Acceleration: The rate at which the pieces increase their velocity per level.

-Grid Settings-

Grid Width/Height/Depth: The size of the grid

-Shape Settings-

List of shapes: All the shapes that will appear. Here you can declare where each cube of the piece is located relative to the pivot point, the color of the  pieces, and how often it will appear (weight).


3D Tetris.zip 19 MB


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This is a 3D Tetris game   :)

Regards .....
